Cook Time :25 Min | Servings : 15 pieces

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Wow it’s been a year since I started blogging. I can’t believe it that a year has gone by so quickly. I am happy that I have successfully completed a whole year of blogging, this is all due to the support and encouragement I have received from family, friends and you my dear readers. It’s been an exciting year for me and am hoping to continue with the same spirit as before. I have big plans for the coming year and hope to expand into more categories and hope to get the continued support from everyone.

With that let’s get into today’s recipe, you can call it an anniversary special! This is a recipe from Martha Stewart’s book. I hope you’ll enjoy this !!!

Ingredients :
All purpose Flour 2 1/2 cups
Dutch Process Cocoa Powder 4 1/2 tsp
Ground Cinnamon 1/2 tsp
Baking Salt 1/4 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Unsalted Butter 1 1/2 cups ( room temperature + greasing )
Sugar Powdered 1 cup
For Sprinkling :
Granulated Sugar 2 tbsp or required.
Baking needs :
Baking Tray 12 by 8 inch
Parchment Paper to cover the tray
  1. Step 1

    Line the parchment paper in baking tray,grease it with butter and set it aside. Mix all purpose flour, cocoa, cinnamon, baking soda and salt in a bowl until combined. Beat sugar and butter in electric hand mixer in medium high until light and fluffy for 3-4 min.

  2. Step 2

    Mix the flour with this and beat on medium speed until they are combined. Spread this dough in the tray using the spatula evenly. Keep in this freezer until the dough is firm for 20 min. Meanwhile preheat the conventional oven for 325 Fahrenheit.

  3. Step 3

    Take the dough and prick all over using fork. Keep this in the oven and bake for 20 min until they are firm. Transfer to a wire rack, when it’s still hot cut them to a 4 X 1 (inch) squares. Sprinkle the granulated sugar on top. Allow it to cool down completely before serving.

(*) Can be saved in a air tight container for up to 1 week.